Bach Mai Hospital provides professional support to make Lao Cai medical center the Northwest region’s medical center

On May 5, 2023, Bach Mai Hospital coordinated with Lao Cai Provincial People’s Committee to discuss coordinated solutions to improve professional medical capacity in this province.
Attending and giving a directive speech, Dr. Le Duc Luan, Deputy Minister of Health, said that the Lao Cai health sector has had good results compared to some provinces with the same socio-economic conditions, which is demonstrates the results of the medical cooperation signing program between Bach Mai Hospital and Lao Cai Provincial People’s Committee.

In recent times, the Ministry of Health has trusted and highly appreciated the contributions of Bach Mai Hospital in implementing capacity building projects for localities, contributing to reducing the load on the central level, and people being benefit and bring opportunities for many patients to overcome their illnesses.

Deputy Minister of Health Le Duc Luan affirmed that medical cooperation between Lao Cai province and Bach Mai Hospital is a very good opportunity that the province needs to take advantage of, exploit and promote, especially in improving the capacity of the team. medical staff, doctors.

Implementing the Memorandum of Cooperation and Comprehensive Medical Support between the People’s Committee of Lao Cai Province and Bach Mai Hospital, for 2 years (2021 – 2022), medical experts of Bach Mai Hospital have trained and transferred technical skills. surgery for 110 medical officers and staff in Lao Cai province.

Training in techniques from basic to advanced in imaging diagnosis and functional exploration; Transfer of specialized testing techniques such as: identification of anaerobic bacteria culture, antibiogram; dialysis techniques, rehabilitation techniques; Training in transfer of cardiovascular interventions, thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, oncology techniques, and pediatric emergency medicine.

Currently, Bach Mai Hospital is transferring to medical units specialized technical packages such as: Pancreatic duodenum resection surgery, laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery for cancer, laparoscopic lung tumor resection surgery, Radiofrequency ablation to treat thyroid tumors, cardiopulmonary bypass (Ecmo)…

Associate Professor Dr. Dao Xuan Co, Director of Bach Mai Hospital, said that through a series of support activities of the hospital, the quality and medical examination and treatment work at the provincial level in Lao Cai province have made good progress. , basically meeting local health care needs.

Many key techniques transferred by Bach Mai Hospital have now been applied effectively by the Provincial General Hospital, people can enjoy high quality medical services right in their home province instead of having to return to Hanoi.

Ms. Giang Thi Dung, Vice Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province, said that the cooperation and assistance of Bach Mai Hospital as well as the close direction of the leaders of the Ministry of Health for Lao Cai province’s health care is sincere and sincere. Helps comprehensively improve the province’s medical quality.

The comprehensive cooperation between Lao Cai Provincial People’s Committee and Bach Mai Hospital contributes to improving the capacity and quality of providing medical examination and treatment services at medical facilities in the province in a sustainable way.

Aiming for many people to access and use high-quality medical services, gradually turning Lao Cai into a typical high-quality medical service center of the Northwest region.

*During the working program in Lao Cai, Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Le Duc Luan and the delegation of Bach Mai Hospital surveyed and worked with Sa Pa town General Hospital.

Sa Pa town is becoming a popular tourist destination for many domestic and foreign tourists, so the town’s health care is being invested in to not only undertake medical examination and treatment for the district’s people but also Can handle emergency and medical examination and treatment work and is trusted by tourists.

Sa Pa Town leaders hope that Bach Mai Hospital, in the process of supporting the province’s health, will always pay attention to training and technology transfer for Sa Pa town General Hospital physicians, so that Sa Pa will build Resort center combined with health care.

Kirstin Welch

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